Category: BLOG

Fulfilling your purpose in God

A woman cannot fulfil her purpose unless she is in relationship with God.  God specifically place a woman in the Garden of Eden along with the man. In Genesis 3:8, we read that God walked in the Garden in the cool day in order to meet with Adam and Eve. The garden represents man’s relationship Read More …

The Timing of God

A child of God that has a genuine relationship with Him, who knows and understand God and is in tuned to God knows God’s timing. He understands that often the secret to success is in doing the right thing at the right time– God’s appointed time. A great designer may come out with a product that captivate the market Read More …

The Uniqueness of a woman

As a Woman, it is important that you realize how unique and important God has made you. Women are incubators, if they are presented with an idea, a need, or a problem, they will take it to heart and work through it until they arrive at a solution. Just as a womb nourishes a foetus Read More …

Don’t forget God

I woke up one beautiful morning thinking of the numerous needs that I have and expecting God to meet. As I pondered, the Lord dropped this in my spirit…He said “Don’t forget me”. My immediate thought was that I haven’t forgotten you God, at least I pray, study your word and go to church, I work for Read More …

God is mindful of you

God loves you and He is mindful of you, what do I mean by God is mindful of you?  I mean He is alert, He is focused and He is paying attention. When God is mindful of you, He notices everything in your life. He knows exactly what you are going through and how you Read More …