Don’t forget God

I woke up one beautiful morning thinking of the numerous needs that I have and expecting God to meet. As I pondered, the Lord dropped this in my spirit…He said “Don’t forget me”. My immediate thought was that I haven’t forgotten you God, at least I pray, study your word and go to church, I work for you, how can I forget you?

Hebrews 10 v 32 says don’t forget those early days when you first learnt about Christ, remember how you remained faithful even though it means terrible suffering…… Do not forget God in the midst of your trials. We tend to think of our trials most of the time, especially when it is staring at us in the face. It is possible for you to go to church, work for Him and not do it faithfully. You need to be committed to God and His work even in the midst of your trials and tribulations.

In Deu 8v3, the Lord humbled the Israelites by allowing them to go hungry; that tells me that there is no trial that you go through that God is not aware of, he knows exactly how you feel. In that trial, if you search deeper there is something to be grateful for. If you read God’s word but do not dwell in it, then you will forget it and hence forget the ways of righteousness.

Deu 8 v11 says “be careful that you do not to forget the Lord your God, failing to observe His commands…………. Do not forget God when you have food on your table, you are comfortable, financially secured, successful in your career, successful in your relationship or have an effective ministry, always remember that it is God that gives you the power.
Deu 8v18 …….God gives power to get wealth. ‘Power’ talks about capacity, the ability whether spiritual, physical or mental. 

Humbly acknowledge that it is God that gives you the ability to get wealth. Psalm 114 v4 says who can forget the wonders he performs….. Psalm 103 v 2 says “bless the lord o my soul and FORGET NOT all his benefits. 

You can not afford to forget God.

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