Tayo Olumakin started her professional life as a Biochemist, she is an entrepreneur, Leader, Writer, Trainer and an ordained Pastor. She has a Women Ministry called "The Praying Mum with PT", Where She prays with Mums for Children via daily podcast. God uses her to encourage and counsel Women on relationships, she hosts Apostolic Women Convention yearly.

She is also the Founder of Great Help Foundation( a charity organisation to help the less privileged in Africa). Great Help Foundation was birthed through God’s mandate on Tayo from her passion for people and in response to God’s word to her in Isaiah 50 verse 4.  She is extremely passionate about caring, helping and encouraging women to fulfil their God given destiny.

She also serves alongside her husband- Victor Olumakin in International Prayer and Liberation Ministry (iPALM) which he co-ordinates, in Kent UK. They have 2 children. For recreation she enjoys travelling, tourism and viewing documentaries.




'The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.He wakens me morning by morning. He wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed' Isaiah 50 verse 4.