Fulfilling your purpose in God

A woman cannot fulfil her purpose unless she is in relationship with God.  God specifically place a woman in the Garden of Eden along with the man. In Genesis 3:8, we read that God walked in the Garden in the cool day in order to meet with Adam and Eve. The garden represents man’s relationship with God; a place of fellowship. You cannot be the woman you are created to be outside God or outside a relationship with God. The God factor is essential in fulfilling your purpose, you need to remain in the garden of fellowship with God.

To fulfil your purpose in God, you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, submit to God’s Word and also follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Many women do not live godly lives, they are not in the garden of fellowship; they are in the wilderness. When Adam and Eve (in the book of Genesis) rebelled against God, God put them out of the Garden (out of fellowship with God). Outside the garden is wilderness. Wilderness women are wild; they devour one another. God wants us to be transformed by renewing our minds and get out of the wilderness. (Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will).

You need an ongoing intimate relationship with God in order to become the woman God has created you to be.

7 Comments on “Fulfilling your purpose in God

  1. Hmm… Loved the analogy of the garden and wilderness woman! I found when I slacken on my fervency and communion with God, I’m more prone to certain things – I find I’m more irritable, less patient, I find it more difficult to walk in love. Thank you for this piece! It’s a reminder to remain constantly and actively in the ‘garden’ of intimate fellowship with the Father.

  2. I love your analogy with reference to wilderness women, it’s a reminder that even as a believer we could become wild if we do not consciously commit ourselves to the renewing of our mind….
    I receive grace to do so at all times! A Practical reminder.

  3. Rightly said, we can’t function well as a Godly woman if we do not have relationship with God its not possible. May God help me to stay in my God’s calling and do His will

  4. Well said! To fulfill your God given purpose in life you need to be in the garden otherwise one will just be going round in circles.I pray God help me to stay focus to the very end amen.

  5. Far too often women are intimate with numerous things, children, careers, families, church activities, business, family…the list goes on. But are less intimate with God. Intimacy with the Holy Spirit is key to a successful fulfilment of our purpose in life as women. Thank you Pastor Tayo for reiterating this point, as to where our priorities should lie 🙂 May the Holy Spirit help us in getting our priorities right in 2016! We are in for a swell time!

    1. Not only women, but everyone needs to have a good relationship with God to function well in any given assignment. It helps to do the will of God not people and to avoid wilderness.
      Great piece! I’m really blessed.
      God bless

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