Enjoy your marriage, don’t Endure it

God’s intention for your marriage is that you enjoy it and not endure it. One of God’s reason for creating marriage is for positive companionship, which is meant to be an enjoyable companionship not an endurable companionship. The bible says in Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

A helper is meant to encourage, support, to be a solution to her companion or husband’s deficiency, to make things work for her companion given to her by God. A helper is meant to enjoy what she does in the relationship. It is important for you to know that as a woman and a helper to your husband that God did not create you above or below your husband; you are made to complement your husband.

In my experience of counselling married women, I have observed that some women who have challenges in their marriage think of themselves as inferior to their companion, they think of themselves as incapable, they think of themselves as someone who have nothing to offer to their relationship when God has embedded in them what they need to have an enjoyable marriage. No one can make you inferior without your permission! Everything that God created is perfect so you are a perfect being.

You have to be determined to enjoy your marriage. As women, God has embedded in us the power to build our home. The bible says in Proverbs 14:1 “Every wise woman build her house: but the foolish pluck it down with her hands”. Great women are not born; they are made. A great woman chooses to be great. She has the right priorities for her life; she is wise and disciplined; her family, relationship and territory prospers. As women, we have a tremendous opportunity to build a family that will be to the glory of God and profit of others well into the future. It is your choice to be wise, build and to enjoy building your home.

The key factor to enjoying your marriage and not enduring it is to create a personal altar for God in your home. Commune with God daily about your marriage, confess His word about your marriage, practice His word regarding your marriage, stay positive, and don’t give up! Always remember that He created marriage to be enjoyed by you not endured.

Ephesians 5:31 says “A man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh”. Husband and wife are to live as one, united in love for God and for one another, modelling the love Christ has for His bride, the Church.

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