The Uniqueness of a woman

As a Woman, it is important that you realize how unique and important God has made you. Women are incubators, if they are presented with an idea, a need, or a problem, they will take it to heart and work through it until they arrive at a solution. Just as a womb nourishes a foetus during development and an incubator protects premature or sick babies, a woman has a nurturing instinct that can be a powerful source of help and encouragement in the lives of others.

Woman is a unique being, her personality is unique. Her uniqueness is a reflection of God’s purposes and design for her. God created her specially to fulfil a divine purpose. The bible says in Genesis 1:27: …So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them, God has a purpose for His action. I want you to know as a woman that you are not an afterthought, neither are you a nobody.

God did not make a mistake in making you a woman, God made the female to be the life-giver, so that whenever she needs to give life to something, she can do it. Have you ever been in the house of a man who is living by himself? The colours are dull, everything is out of place it doesn’t look attractive and it is usually untidy. People keep telling him, he needs a ‘woman’s touch’. When the man eventually gets married and his wife moves in, she changes the dull look. She puts up colourful curtains, places flowers around the room, rearranges the furniture and in no time, makes it into a beautiful place. When a woman walks into a room, she changes the countenance of that room. She gives life to a place.

As a woman, you have the ability to give life to what you have irrespective of the condition or situation it is, it may be your marriage, job, Children, relationship, business. Take the best that they can offer you, incubate it, and give life to it. When you have finished with it the house becomes a home.  From your job as an employee, you become an employer. Do not look down on yourself as a woman, do not under estimate the gift of God that is embedded in you. God wants to set you free to develop the gifts He has placed within you.

Arise and shine!

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