Activating God’s word in your marriage

Ability to control your tongue is a key factor in having a successful and happy marriage. The word tongue is often a reference to the spoken word, when Proverbs 15:4 states, “A deceitful tongue crushes the spirit,” Obviously, a literal, fleshly tongue cannot crush the human spirit, but the words the tongue produces can. The tongue is a small part of our body but vital as you can either use it to build or destroy your marriage. No wonder God’s word in Proverbs 18:21the tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit”. The tongue is one of Woman’s most dangerous weapons.

The Bible says in 2 Samuel 23:2 “The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me; His word was on my tongue…  Allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you when you open your mouth to speak, (especially when there is a conflict between you and your spouse), then the word of restoration, love and comfort can be on your tongue.

Learn to speak God’s word to your marriage, God’s Word can’t work if you don’t use it. His word is there for you as a woman to activate in your life especially in the area of your marriage. To activate God’s word is simply to speak it, to proclaim it, to prophesy, regardless of what the situation is. God’s Word is a sure word that can sustain and heal any marriage. The bible says in   Proverbs 12:18 “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing”. God’s Word is a powerful weapon against sin and against the enemy of our souls and marriages.

What should you do? Tame your tongue by the Holy Spirit as His Word richly dwells and permeates all our lives. Why not like David, make some plans now to change the usage of your tongue.

Here are three ways to change:
1. Think first: before starting to say something pause a few seconds and ask yourself, are these words–true or false; healing or pain; exaggerated or accurate; grateful or complaining; destroying or building?
2. Talk less: it is a biblical fact that the less you talk the wiser you appear. Proverbs 10:19 says “The more talk, the less truth; the wise measure their words” MSG. Plan, prepare, concentrate and enrich each opportunity to speak. Make each time you speak as 1 Peter 4:11 “if anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God”.
3. Start now: Ask God to help you to control your tongue, don’t waste your greatest tool. Don’t destroy your home, marriage, your children’s lives, your life, your career with your tongue.

I challenge you to carefully consider the words of your mouth. Be an encourager, not a destroyer. Open your mouth and spread the love. Activate God’s word concerning your marriage.

5 Comments on “Activating God’s word in your marriage

  1. Thanks for this article. Too often we say the wrong things out of emotions. Even over our children – but we need to reminder that death and life lies in the power of our tongues. I ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to speak the right words always. To speak words of life over my family at all times.

  2. Very true, with our tongue we can birth life or we can kill. This piece is so inspiring thank you for sharing. You see when your heart is crushed/wounded you don’t know where to begin. Thank you for that video there is nothing God cannot do but fist I’ve got to stop fighting and allow God fight for me instead. Help me Lord help me Lord in Jesus name Amen.

    1. Nice article. May the Lord enlarge this ministry in Jesus name. As women, we need to learn how to control our emotions. Self control is a fruit of the Spirit needed to help us when we run out of steam. My prayer is that we learn to control our emotions daily in order not to allow the enemy destroy our home.

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